$20 dollars to ruin a half decent short?
it is not built for it(see proof testing etc), how many goes before it fails?
even with well made kit full auto tends to be a bit squirrelly, using owt that does have solid legs and a few folk to carry the necessaries will be pretty random after the first round
at that rate of fire the standard clip is empty in well under a second and most rounds will be squirrels(see above)
conclusion save $20 and hit 5 close targets with a double tap to CBM in little more than twice the time, and still have a few rounds for flappers and the one you did not notice
ps re time, a couple of seconds is plenty to exploit surprise if used well, half a second of surprise and a response while you fumble for another clip could be too long
bravo butch or calmly efficient, style choices matter
mr support weapon, set up, set up stove for coffee, brew with one hand, tidily double tap all the grumpy chaps running towards the rescue team with the other hand